Azzier News

Richmond Plywood Limited Joins the Azzier CMMS User Community

December 7, 2022

Richmond Plywood Limited has selected Tero Consulting’s latest version of computerized maintenance management software (CMMS), Web Work Azzier 8.0 to reform their maintenance operations.

For over 60 years, Richmond Plywood has continued to invest in both plant and process. Together with reliable management, product quality and flexibility, they continue to secure Richmond Plywood’s success. Modernizing their maintenance operation with an industry leading CMMS is another commitment to an industry that takes pride in turning B.C. wood into the original engineered wood product; high-quality, world-renowned Canadian plywood.

Some of the new features that Richmond Plywood will appreciate include:

  • Opening multiple modules in different tabs
  • Tracking and reserving parts in a seamless process
  • The ability to use the screen editor to adjust the GUI to suit their needs
  • Work order spot buys and inventory items that have hit their reorder points will pass through to purchasing without double entry.

Priority one at Richmond Plywood is to streamline the purchasing process for replacement parts and critical spares. Outages are costly. By reducing the number of steps and automating the ordering of parts with Azzier’s Purchasing module Richmond Plywood will ensure that production lines are not idle, waiting for parts. Standardized procedure libraries will ensure all technicians have the right information to complete Work Orders and PM’s to the same high standards across all employees.

It is very satisfying to welcome Richmond Plywood, a pioneer in the lower mainland forest products industry, to the Tero Azzier CMMS user community. Tero is proud to announce Richmond Plywood’s investment in “Maintaining the Future” with Web Work Azzier CMMS.

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