Azzier Blog

Developing an Effective CMMS Plan

Key Factor In an Effective CMMS Implementation Plan: Have You Identified Roles and Responsibilities?

Although management may know how many people in the organization are responsible for keeping the CMMS and other management systems running, they may not understand ...
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Maintenance Worker Checking Pipelines

Developing an Effective CMMS Implementation Plan: Digging Deeper

In our first article in this series, we offered some insight into the challenges facilities face to maintain uptime. We also provided the logic for ...
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Technician monitoring efficiency

Maintenance Efficiency of 75%? Our No-Strings Attached CMMS Plan Can Get You There!

As manufacturers strive to operate smarter, faster and leaner, modern maintenance staff are often tasked to do more with less. Upper management may view this ...
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Plant workers updating maintenance logs

Paring Plant Expenses with Better Maintenance Controls: The Value Is Real

Although business and finance leaders may initially doubt the value of best-practices maintenance management, providing hard data of real value generally leads them to recognize ...
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Boosting Productivity with Core Maintenance Activities

Boosting Productivity with Core Maintenance Activities

As most facility managers recognize, maintenance is an essential element of the operating continuity that underpins successful production management. Yet, we are always amazed to ...
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Enhancing Major Projects and Plant Turnarounds with a Computerized Maintenance Management System

Changes in technology, the market and the economic environment have all boosted the value of computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) for industrial facilities. This is ...
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Maintenance Spares: The Hidden Cost Center in your Storerooms

Maintenance Spares: The Hidden Cost Center in Your Storerooms

With carrying costs alone amounting to 40% of yearly organizational revenue, there is no dispute that poorly managed storerooms can be a major financial drain. ...
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Unplanned Downtime: A Continuing Challenge for Organizations Everywhere

Unplanned Downtime: A Continuing Challenge for Organizations Everywhere

Modern facilities are expected to contribute value to the company’s bottom line by continuously improving asset performance. Process industries in particular are extremely asset intensive, ...
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