Offshore Exploration Firm Enjoys Flawless Migration to Azzier

Offshore Exploration Firm Enjoys Flawless Migration to Azzier

Offshore Exploration Firm Enjoys Flawless Migration to Azzier

Prior to upgrading to Tero Azzier, an offshore exploration services firm had been using Tero Consulting’s legacy computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), Web Work, for five years. Part of the attraction in continuing with Web Work was the user-friendly interface. The client wanted reassurance that Azzier would be just as easy for personnel to use.

However, management also wanted to limit the number of personnel that concurrently used personal computers (PC) and devices offshore while maintaining efficient use of Azzier to comply with the firm’s CMMS guidelines. As part of that reassurance, the client wanted Tero to develop a proper training plan that would help get personnel up to speed on the platform, quickly.

Tero would need to work with company personnel to determine license count and user permissions so they could set up appropriate access to Azzier modules. Most disconcertingly, given the scope and challenges of the project, management wanted the field implementation of Azzier to go live within three weeks of the implementation study.

A Viable Solution Emerges

In addition to migrating the client successfully from Web Work to Web Work Azzier in a very short timeframe, logistics necessitated that personnel (including the crews working on oil platforms) be trained on the new Azzier system before launch. This task appeared especially challenging given that teams were distributed among land-based locations and offshore oil platforms.

Steps taken to execute the successful project included:

  • A thorough and detailed implementation plan was developed to serve as a gap analysis, thereby identifying any issues in the client’s current processes and procedures. The document was also used as a written path to successfully transition the client from Web Work to Web Work Azzier.
  • Tero and client teams developed a “train the trainer” approach.
    • Personnel designated to become Azzier Admins underwent intensive, Super User training on every Azzier module for several days to acclimate each participant.
    • Once trained, the client’s designated Azzier Admins travelled to both offshore oil platforms and land-based locations to perform group training.
  • Tero agreed to provide an “Application & Configuration Plan” document that identified any redundant and/or unused fields so they could be addressed prior to the go-live date. After the fields were identified, Tero’s in-house software teams modified the affected screens.

To further streamline deployment and adoption, Tero worked closely with the client to further streamline these workflows and address any concerns. Finally, Tero orchestrated the appropriate implementation cadence to ensure the upgrade project was performed correctly and without problems.

Beneficial Results; Great Outcomes

The client’s Azzier Admin deployment was successfully rolled out across the company, along with the training plan. This success eliminated the necessity for Tero Project Management personnel to travel around the varied offshore platforms, thereby saving the client additional costs.

The client was able to achieve the design and layout they specified, further enhancing buy-in from users. The new design also gave the client further flexibility in configuring screens and reports. This cooperative endeavor between the client and Tero ensured the project was completed on the specified timeline, eliminating unforeseen expenses and delays.

Over time, the client has continued improving its work process flow redesigning fields as it identifies needs or deficiencies, and configuring modules to suit changing requirements. The project has also significantly enhanced the Purchasing, Receiving, and Email Notification Management process.

Project Summary

Thanks to cooperation between Tero and the client, Azzier was implemented with specified customizations on the negotiated date and within budget, and with a mechanism for ensuring all personnel were properly trained to use the system.

Based on the lessons learned (and techniques gained) from the Azzier implementation process, the client was able to realize Azzier’s full potential. The client has since discovered that upgrading to Azzier was a worthwhile investment in time and resources.

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