Inventory & Procurement

Inventory & Procurement

With Azzier CMMS, companies benefit from granular oversight of inventory and purchasing functions, dramatically reducing expenses.

Maintenance Budget Saving

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Decreases in Replenishment Costs

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Reductions in Stock-Out Risk

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Maintenance Inventory Control and Purchasing: Optimizing Your Supply Economics

Managing maintenance parts, supplies, and tools is a common challenge for facility management. Without effective controls, it’s difficult to track inventory, ensure the right purchases are made, and manage shelf life effectively.

Promote industry-leading inventory and purchasing oversight with six targeted solutions.

Inventory & Storeroom

Gain inventory mastery with granular detail across limitless storerooms in varied locations. Attach unlimited specification/data sheets to items. Improve warehouse logistics.

Invoice Matching

Quickly match invoices to purchase orders and receipts, ensuring accurate vendor payments and correct accounting while pinpointing problematic (or fraudulent) invoices.


From a single interface, compare vendor prices, check availability and email orders with shipping instructions. Documents have full audit trails.

Receiving Module

View information from Inventory and Purchasing to ensure accuracy and eliminate mistakes. Receive items directly or issue them to a work order or employee for pick-up. Retain records of packing documents, price adjustments, quantities received, invoice totals and more.

Requisition Module

Request items not normally submitted through the work order process, such as personal tools or uniforms and track them as personal property or consumables. Group requests and transfer for tracking by Azzier’s Purchasing and Receiving solutions if desired.

Vendor Module

Store and maintain all vendor information including inventory and non-inventory items, services, contact details and even tax rates, contract numbers, parent company and payment terms.

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Maintenance inventory and purchasing are undoubtedly two of the biggest expenses for any operation.

Don’t leave their management to chance. With Azzier, you’ll always know the Score.
To explore the savings our many advanced features provide, call 1-866-818-8376, ext. 407.
Use the Contact Form below to submit a request.