Are Your PM Workflows Frustrating You?

Are Your PM Workflows Frustrating You?

Are Your PM Workflows Frustrating You?

Every CMMS vendor can do PM’s… BUT! How well do they do them?

It is not enough to tick the box and say ‘yes, we do PM’s’… after 45 years of consulting and delivering CMMS solutions, Azzier CMMS provides proven, streamlined workflows for creating, generating and scheduling PM’s with fewer steps and more intuitive workflows than any other CMMS in the marketplace.
We recently conducted a poll of our client base to determine what were the most significant points of impact Web Work Azzier CMMS has had on their business. The overwhelming majority spoke to us about Preventative Maintenance (PM’s).

PM’s are the bread and butter of maintenance. Almost every organization does both reactive and preventative maintenance. But time and again it is PM’s that get the glory in terms of cost savings. Unplanned outages, costly repairs and premature end of useful life of assets are all minimized, delivering the largest bottom line savings to our client’s maintenance operations.
Most of our new prospective customers come to us with complaints of inadequate PM workflows in sub-standard systems. The specific issues maintenance planners encounter are:
Incomplete or Inaccurate Asset Information: This includes missing details such as asset location, specifications, historical maintenance records, and parts/components required for maintenance tasks. Azzier CMMS leverages tight cross module integrations that tie PM Work Orders to procedures, inventory, labor, vendors, assets, location, inspections etc. with all information right there on the work order.

Complexity of Task Scheduling: Scheduling preventative maintenance tasks with an in adequate CMMS can be challenging, especially when dealing with a large number of assets and varying maintenance frequencies. Planners find it difficult to optimize schedules to minimize downtime and resource allocation. Azzier CMMS simplifies this process, with advanced scheduling capabilities and large project management tools.

Limited Integration with Other Systems: Integration issues between the CMMS and other systems, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or asset management systems, can lead to inefficiencies. Planners may need to manually transfer data between systems, increasing the risk of errors and consuming valuable time and effort. Azzier CMMS provides an Integration module / developers API that facilitates these critical data exchanges. Set and forget, real-time or periodic data refreshes between the CMMS and most other corporate systems.
Lack of Standardization and Consistency: Inconsistencies in maintenance procedures, task descriptions, and documentation formats can hinder the creation of PM work orders. Without standardized templates and procedures, planners may spend extra time creating and updating work orders, leading to confusion among maintenance technicians and increased chances of errors. Azzier eliminates these problems with tight control over procedure libraries and attached documents.

Insufficient Resources and Budget Constraints: Planners often face constraints in terms of available resources – manpower, tools, and budget especially. Balancing an organizations’ maintenance requirements with budget can be challenging, leading to prioritization issues and potential delays in preventive maintenance activities. It is when PM’s are delayed or skipped that unplanned outages occur.
Companies do need to spend a little money in order to save a lot on money… Typically 17 – 25% of your maintenance budget can be saved by improving the management of your PM’ with Azzier CMMS.

We will be hosting and upcoming webinar showcasing the many advantages of Web Work Azzier CMMS PM workflows have over every other system.

Web Work Azzier 8.0 is the latest version in a long evolution of best-of-breed CMMS. Web Work was the world’s first web-based CMMS and continues to lead the market with innovative, practical workflows. The modular architecture facilitates cross-module workflows that multiply your efficiencies. In Azzier CMMS, Inspection Routes, Preventative Maintenance, Predictive Maintenance, Work Orders and Email Notification all come together to create a foolproof inspection workflow that will ensure nothing goes unnoticed and your facility continues to run at full capacity.

Visit our website and register for a FREE TRIAL. Try out Azzier 8.0; if it works for your company, convert your trial to a production site directly and easily through our website.

Take Azzier® for a test drive at

Call 1-866-818-8376 ext. 407 for a personalized consultation of your maintenance needs, or email us at With 44 years of maintenance experience, we can help you reduce risk and improve your bottom line.

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